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Archive for the ‘Marriage’ Category

“It’s love.”

In Love, Marriage on July 5, 2012 at 6:14 am


“It’s love. That’s what the world needs more of. I’m going to write a song about this. If two people love each other, it means less hostility. It means more stability. I’m happy for people who are happy. I don’t care who they love. If you love a puppy I’m happy for you. If you love another man I’m happy for you. If you love another woman I’m happy for you. You’ve got one shot at life…My daughters are all straight. If you think I’ve got some agenda because of my daughters—that would be limiting…I’m open to people enjoying their lives. I just know—I’ve seen enough persecution in my own life to know what that does to a person. And selfishly, for my own daughters, if you want to bring my daughters into it, I wouldn’t want them marrying a closeted gay man who a.) hated being married to a woman, but felt pressured into it…I don’t want that for you. I don’t want that for your kids. I want a world of peace.”

-Howard Stern on Homosexuality, 03/05/2012